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  • The Five Major Decisions That Can Determine Your Success or Failure in Life

The Five Major Decisions That Can Determine Your Success or Failure in Life

Every day, life presents us with countless choices and decisions that can have far-reaching consequences. While some of these choices may appear trivial, they can shape the trajectory of our lives. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to take the time to consider every decision carefully.

We all do make decisions every day. Some decisions can be good, and some bad decisions can lead to unfortunate consequences.

It’s estimated that the average adult makes about 35,000 remotely conscious decisions each day.

In my life, I have seen successes and missteps in decision-making and had to find ways to cope with the consequences. Of course, there were moments when all worked out all right, plus other episodes that were quite challenging, but I strove to handle it all correctly.

I have learned from the lessons of my past decisions and intend to make the right choices moving forward. I strive to succeed in all aspects of my life, including my job and personal life, and I adapt to new challenges daily.

Acknowledging that I will strive for this forever, I appreciate what I have achieved thus far and my current circumstances.

This article will delve deeper into the major life decisions that can make the difference between success and failure. These decisions can be pivotal in determining our future and our level of fulfillment in life. By being mindful of these choices and thoughtfully considering them, we can set ourselves on the path to a successful and rewarding life. So, let us explore these vital life decisions in detail and understand their significance in shaping our destiny.

Not all major decisions may apply to you. Some may be more suitable for business owners, CEOs, or administrative workers, while others may apply to your personal life.


Here are the five key points to consider in your career and personal life based on Marcel Schwantes’ 5 major decisions in life:

  1. Don’t measure success based on other people’s standards. To be truly successful, it is important to stop measuring yourself against the standards of others. Instead, focus on your own goals and aspirations. Ask yourself what you want to achieve, and work towards that end. Remember that everyone has their unique path in life, and what works for someone else may not necessarily work for you. You will find greater purpose and fulfillment by setting standards and working towards your goals.

  2. Let your truth guide your decisions. When making decisions, it is important to let your truth guide you. This means that you should always be true to yourself and your beliefs. However, it is also important to consider other factors when making decisions. For example, you should consider the opinions of others or the potential consequences of your actions. You can make informed and authentic decisions by weighing these factors and staying true.

  3. Don’t try to do everything alone. One important thing to remember is that handling everything on your own is only sometimes necessary. It’s perfectly okay to ask for help or delegate tasks to others who may be more qualified or experienced in certain areas. This can help you be more efficient with your time and lead to better results as you can draw on a broader range of expertise and perspectives. Additionally, collaborating with others can help you build stronger relationships and expand your network, which can be valuable for personal and professional growth.

  4. Surround yourself with mentors. Having a mentor can be one of the most valuable things to achieve success. Mentors guide, support, and offer knowledge and experience to help you navigate life. They help identify strengths and weaknesses and provide feedback to improve. They introduce new ideas and opportunities and help make connections that benefit your career. Finding mentors can be challenging, but it’s worth it. Look for people who have achieved your desired success and contact them. A mentor can help you achieve your goals faster.

  5. Protect your reputation no matter what. We must be mindful of our online and offline actions and words to safeguard our reputation today. A dependable network of people is crucial, as are positive relationships with them. Involving in leadership roles and volunteering can help us build a good reputation. We must take responsibility for our mistakes and make amends with grace and integrity if ever questioned. These actions ensure that our reputation remains untarnished even in challenging situations.


Here are some of my thoughts:

  • It’s important to be honest about what you want in life and make decisions that align with your values.

  • It’s important to be willing to take risks and step outside your comfort zone.

  • And finally, it’s important to surround yourself with positive people who support and help you achieve your goals.


In addition to these five points, I also recommend considering the following five bonus points for success:

  1. Protect your mental and physical health. Taking care of your mental and physical health is essential to a successful and fulfilling life. This decision includes making lifestyle choices that promote good health, such as eating well, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep. It also means seeking help, such as therapy or medical care.

  2. Choose to be financially responsible. Being financially responsible means making decisions aligning with your goals and values. This includes creating a budget, saving money, and investing wisely. It also means avoiding debt and making smart credit decisions.

  3. Choose to learn and grow. Continually learning and growing as a person is essential to success. This decision includes seeking new experiences, learning new skills, and challenging yourself. It also means being open to feedback and learning from mistakes.

  4. Choose to be kind and compassionate. Being kind and compassionate can significantly impact your personal and professional relationships. This decision includes treating others with respect, empathy, and understanding. It also means being forgiving and practicing gratitude.

  5. Choose to live with purpose and meaning. Living with purpose and meaning means aligning your actions and decisions with your values and beliefs. This decision includes setting goals, pursuing your passions, and positively impacting the world. It also means being true to yourself and living an authentic life.


Finally, four other major decisions in life can also make a significant difference:

  1. Choosing the right career path. Choosing the right career is one of your most important decisions. This decision can shape your future, your family’s future, and your financial stability. Choosing a job you are passionate about and aligning with your values and interests is essential. A well-thought-out career choice can set you on the path to success.

  2. Deciding who you spend your time with. The people you surround yourself with can significantly impact your life. Your friends, family, and colleagues can support or hinder your personal and professional growth. Choosing people who share your values and goals and motivate and inspire you to be your best self is essential.

  3. Deciding to invest in yourself. Investing in yourself means continually taking the time and resources to improve your skills and knowledge. Investing in yourself to stay competitive in your career, improve your financial situation, and grow as a person is essential. Courses, workshops, and reading books are a few ways to invest in yourself.

  4. Choosing where to live. Where you live can have a profound impact on your life. Choosing a location that aligns with your lifestyle and values is essential. Factors like job opportunities, cost of living, and quality of life are all critical considerations when deciding where to live. It’s vital to choose a place where you feel comfortable and happy.


By being mindful of these choices and carefully considering them, you can set yourself on the path to a successful and fulfilling life. Remember that each decision can significantly impact your future, so take the time to think through your options and choose wisely. Then, with dedication, hard work, and a little luck, you can achieve your goals and live the life you always dreamed of.

Thank you for reading my blog post on the five major decisions in life that can make the difference between success and failure. I hope you found it informative and valuable.

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