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  • Nice vs. Kindness: Understanding the Subtle Difference Can Change Your Life

Nice vs. Kindness: Understanding the Subtle Difference Can Change Your Life

Hey there! Let's talk about being nice and kind. We all know these are great qualities to have, but did you know they actually have different meanings? We will delve deeper into this later in this post.

Understanding the difference between the two is important because it can help us cultivate a better sense of empathy and compassion toward others. When we can distinguish between niceness and kindness, we can aspire to be more authentic and genuine in our interactions with others. This can lead to a more supportive and caring society, which we could all benefit from.

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One thing to remember is that being nice can sometimes be superficial or insincere while being kind is always genuine and comes from a place of authenticity. So, why not strive to be kind instead of just nice? Studies have shown that being kind can lead to numerous benefits for both the giver and the receiver, such as increased happiness, improved relationships, and even better physical health.

A recent study found that performing or observing kind acts for just seven days can increase happiness. Participants were randomly assigned to perform at least one additional kind act for someone close to them, an acquaintance, a stranger, or themselves, or to observe kind acts actively. The researchers measured happiness before and after the seven days and found that being kind to ourselves or anyone else, even strangers can boost happiness.

So, let's all strive to be more considerate and kind towards those around us. Whether lending a helping hand or simply being empathetic and understanding, every act of kindness counts.

Together, we can create a more compassionate and empathetic world.

What is the difference between Nice and Kindness?

The terms "nice" and "kind" are frequently used interchangeably; however, there exists a subtle distinction between the two. Niceness primarily pertains to politeness and agreeability, whereas kindness revolves around displaying care and compassion.


Niceness is often seen as a social lubricant. It's a way of making people feel comfortable and avoiding conflict. Nice people are typically polite, agreeable, and helpful. They are the ones who hold the door open for you, say please and thank you, and make small talk.

There's nothing wrong with being nice. It's a valuable quality to have. But it's important to remember that niceness is not the same as kindness.


Kindness is about being caring and compassionate. It's about putting the needs of others before your own. Kind people are empathetic and understanding. They are the ones who volunteer their time to help others, donate to charity, and lend a helping hand when someone is in need.

So, what's the difference between niceness and kindness?

  • Niceness is often superficial, while kindness is more genuine. Nice people may only be nice to others when they are around, but kind people are kind even when no one is watching.

  • Niceness can be used to manipulate others, while kindness is always selfless. Nice people may only be nice to others in order to get something in return, but kind people are always willing to help others without expecting anything in return.

  • Niceness can be exhausting, while kindness is energizing. Nice people may always feel like they have to be on their best behavior, but kind people find joy in helping others.

Here are some examples of niceness:

  • Holding the door open for someone.

  • Saying please and thank you.

  • Making small talk.

  • Giving someone a compliment.

  • Avoiding conflict.

Here are some examples of kindness:

  • Volunteering your time to help others.

  • Donating to charity.

  • Lending a helping hand when someone is in need.

  • Being empathetic and understanding.

  • Making a difference in the world.

Why do We Confuse about being Nice and Kind?

The confusion between being nice and being kind is common in modern society. The two qualities are often conflated, despite their differences. While being nice and kind are positive qualities, being nice often involves prioritizing societal norms over our personal needs. This can lead to a lack of authenticity and vulnerability, as we prioritize being polite and agreeable over being true to ourselves. In contrast, kindness requires us to embrace our true selves and engage with others authentically and vulnerably. However, it's important to remember that being nice and kind is not the same. By being kind, we can make a difference in the world and the lives of others.

The Importance of Authenticity

Authenticity is a crucial aspect of kindness. When we are genuine, we can connect with others on a deeper level and build more meaningful relationships. Authenticity also enables us to remain true to ourselves and act by our values and beliefs. Combining authenticity with kindness can foster a more compassionate and empathetic society.

Therefore, remember that being nice and kind is not the same thing. Let us strive to be authentic and kind, even if it sometimes means being uncomfortable or unpopular. By doing so, we can positively impact the world around us.

The Benefits of Kindness

While being nice can make us popular, kindness has a more profound impact on our well-being and the world around us. Plus, kindness has a ripple effect - when we are kind to others, it can inspire them to be kind to others, creating a chain reaction of positivity*.*

By being kind, we can create a more compassionate and empathetic world. We can make a difference in the lives of others, even if it's just a small act of kindness. So rather than striving to be nice, we should aim to be kind and positively impact the world around us.

So, what makes kindness so important? Here are a few reasons:

  • Kindness makes the world a better place. When we're kind to others, it makes them feel good and more likely to be kind to others in return. This creates a ripple effect of kindness that can make the world a more positive place.

  • Kindness makes us happier. Studies have shown that people who are kind to others are happier than those who are not. This is because kindness releases feel-good hormones in our brains, such as oxytocin and dopamine.

  • Kindness makes us healthier. Kindness has been linked to several health benefits, such as lower blood pressure, a stronger immune system, and a longer life expectancy.

How to Practice Kindness

There are many other ways to practice kindness in our daily lives. The important thing is to be mindful of the needs of others and to act with empathy and compassion. By consciously practicing kindness, we can create a more positive and loving world for ourselves and those around us.

Practicing kindness involves being mindful of the needs and feelings of others. Here are some ways to incorporate kindness into your daily life:

  • Be mindful of your words and actions. Think about how your words and actions might affect others.

  • Be generous with your time and resources. Volunteer your time to a cause you care about, or donate to a charity.

  • Be compassionate. Put yourself in the shoes of others and try to understand their perspective.

  • Be forgiving. Everyone makes mistakes. Be willing to forgive others and move on.

By practicing kindness daily, we can positively impact the world around us and create a more compassionate and empathetic society.

Kindness is a powerful force that can make the world a better place. By being kind to others, we can positively impact our community and the world.

So, which is better: niceness or kindness?

The truth is both niceness and kindness are important. Niceness helps us to get along with others and avoid conflict. Kindness helps us to make a difference in the world and make people's lives a little bit better.

The best way to be is to be both nice and kind. We can all do our part to make the world a better place by being more kind to one another.

I would choose kindness over nice every time! What about you?

Bonus, and she says it perfectly…

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